many proposed sites, selected Annapolis, Maryland, as the
place for its location; and,
WHEREAS, In our opinion Annapolis, the location of the
United States Naval Academy, on the Chesapeake Bay, the
largest inland body of salt water on the Atlantic Coast, is an
ideal location for the same; and,
WHEREAS, This matter of location having been referred to
a most competent Board of "Naval experts to make this location,
the people of our State feel that their selection should be
Therefore, be it resolved, by the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland, in Special Session Convened, That the
Honorable Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, be and
he is respectfully urged to approve the location made by the
Naval. Consulting Board, at as early day as possible, thereby
locating at Annapolis, Maryland, the New Naval Experiment
Station and Research Laboratory.
Resolved further, That the Governor of this State cause a
copy of the Joint Resolution under the Great Seal of the State
of Maryland, to be sent to the President of the United States,
the Secretary of the Navy, and to each Senator and Member
of the House of Representatives in Congress from the State of
Approved June 27th, 1917.
No. 4.
Resolved, whereas, the State of Maryland is now construct-
ing a bridge across the Synipuxent Bay at Ocean City and it
is necessary to make a fill except 190 feet; and,
WHEREAS, the Synipuxent Bay a body of fresh water con-
taining about 50,000 acres or 75 square miles of fresh water
within fifteen hundred feet from the Atlantic Ocean if salted
could be made the most valuable inland protected Oyster, Clam
and Crab grounds to be found in the State of Maryland; and,