Be it Resolved, That the Geological Survey by and with the
State Roads Commission who are now constructing the bridge,
be instructed to look into the practicability and feasibility of
salting the Bay for increased food production, and make a re-
port on the same to his Excellency, the Governor of the State,
on or before the meeting of the Legislature, January, 1918.
Approved June 27th, 1917.
No. 5.
WHEREAS, the strong sentiment of the people of Maryland
is in favor of the establishment of home rule in Ireland;
Be it therefore resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, We believe that the time has arrived when the people of
Ireland should be given full control of their own affairs, and
we appeal to all liberty loving Americans to join with us in
demanding home rule for the Irish people whose exiled sons
and daughters, and their descendants have contributed so much
to the advancement of this Republic.
Be it further resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent
to President Wilson, the Members of his Cabinet, and the
Members of both Houses of Congress.
Approved June 27th, 1917.
No. 6.
Be it Resolved, That the Senate and House of Delegates of
Maryland, in Extraordinary Session, June, 1917, extend to
the Attorney-General of the State, Hon. Albert C. Ritchie,
their deep appreciation of his compilation of the measures pre-
sented by the Preparedness and Survey Commission, and of
his presence and advice at all times to the General Assembly
during this its Extra Session.
Approved June 27th, 1917.