all offenses committed in said District cognizable by a Jus-
tice of the Peace and to regulate his duties and fix his
WHEREAS, There is to be established by the Government of
the United States a Military Camp in the Fourth Election
District of Anne Arundel County, Maryland; and
WHEREAS, This Camp will bring to this section of the Coun-
ty many persons, and it is deemed best that the administration
of the criminal law cognizable by a Justice of the Peace should
be in the hands of a bonded officer receiving a fixed salary;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the Governor, after the
passage of this Act, to appoint an additional Justice of the
Peace for the Fourth Election District of Anne Arundel
County, who shall be a resident of said district, to be desig-
nated as Police Justice of said district, who shall hold office
until the first day of May, nineteen hundred and eighteen;
and the Governor shall at the same time that he appoints
other Justices of the Peace of the State of Maryland, in the
year nineteen hundred and eighteen, and every two years there-
after, appoint a Police Justice for said Fourth Election Dis-
trict of Anne Arundel County, to serve for a term of two
years, from said May the first, nineteen hundred and eighteen.
Said Justice of the Peace, designated as said Police Justice,
before he acts as such, shall give bond to the State of Mary-
land in the penalty of one thousand dollars, with surety or
sureties to be approved by the County Commissioners of said
County, conditional that he will well and faithfully execute
the duties and obligations of Justice of the Peace and that he
will account for and pay over to the County Commissioners all
fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs, imposed by him and
which he shall receive, for or on account of criminal offenses
tried before him, which bond shall be recorded in the Clerk's
Office of the Circuit Court, and shall be liable at the suit of
the State for the use of the County Commissioners, in case of
default in any of its conditions.