SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Police
Justice shall have an office, at or near Admiral, in said Fourth
Election District of said County, and shall attend at the same
at least four hours each day of the week, Sundays excepted;
and his office hours shall be posted on the outside front of his
said office.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That said Police Jus-
tice of said Fourth Election District, shall have the same juris-
diction in civil actions as other Justices of the Peace in said
County, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction of a Justice of
the Peace in the hearing of all charges and trial of all cases
of criminal offenses, or for the recovery of any fine, penalty
or forfeiture under the laws of the State, within the limits of
the Fourth Election District of Anne Arundel County, and
shall have cognizance of all criminal offenses committed in
said District, and of all others which may be brought before
him; and in the event of a warrant being sworn out before any
other Justice of the Peace, for any offense committed in said
District, it shall be the duty of the Justice of the Peace before
whom such a warrant is sworn out, to make the same return-
able before the said Police Justice for hearing and trial.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That Justices of the
Peace of said Fourth Election District, other than the Police
Justice shall be allowed the fees, now allowed by law, for
issuing any warrant of arrest or summons for witnesses in
criminal cases, but no other fees for the hearing or trial of any
criminal case, or for the commitment of any person charged
or tried shall be allowed such Justice of the Peace, and it shall
be the duty of the Sheriff of Anne Arundel County, the Con-
stables of said Fourth Election District and any police officer,
special or otherwise, to carry all persons arrested or appre-
hended before said Police Justice for commitment or trial.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Police Justice
of the Fourth Election District of said county shall, at the first
regular meeting of the County Commissioners, held in each
month, make a report in writing, verified under oath, made
before the clerk of said commissioners, or one of the commis-
sioners, of all the criminal cases heard or tried before him
during the preceding month, which report shall state in each