ing and providing for the summary abatement of nuisances
dangerous to the public health, and directing their abate-
ment by the State Board of Health; authorizing suits in the
name of the State Board of Health against the owner, occu-
pier, or tenant of property where such nuisance exists for
the cost of such abatement, and making such judgments a
lien on such property; providing for the collection of such
judgments as taxes are collected, and making it a misde-
meanor for anyone to disobey orders of the State Board of
Health, made in connection therewith, or interfering with
the abatement of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That nine new sections be added and the same are
added to Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title
"Health," sub-title "Nuisances," the same to follow immedi-
ately after Section 106 of said Article, to be known as Sec-
tions 106A, 106B, 106C, 106D, 106E, 106F, 106G, 106H,
and 106 I, and to read as follows:
106A. Whenever the State Board of Health, its officers or
agents, upon investigation, shall find that the contents from
any surface privy, privy-pit, water-closet, or cesspool over-
flows or leaks from said surface privy, privy-pit, water-closet, or
cesspool, or shall find any surface privy, privy-pit, water-closet,
or cesspool on any premises in this State, which is not fly-
tight and water-tight, and shall also find on said premises the
disease of cholera, typhoid or typhus fever, hookworm, dys-
entery or parasitic disease of the bowels, then such premises,
surface privy, privy-pit, water-closet or cesspool, as the case
may be, shall be deemed in a state of nuisance and liable to
summary abatement by the State Board of Health.
106B. Before proceeding to the summary abatement of any
nuisance as described in Section 106A, the State Board of
Health, its officers and agents, shall cause to be served an
order on the owner of the premises, where such nuisance ex-
ists, or if such owner cannot be found, then on the occupant
or tenant, or if the premises be unoccupied and the owner