cannot be found, then said order to be attached to the prop-
erty, requiring the abatement of said nuisance within not
less than twenty-four hours nor more than five days from the
date and hour of the service of said order, and in such order
the State Board of Health, its officers and agents, shall set
forth what work, materials and things shall be necessary to
abate such nuisance.
106C. If the said nuisance is not abated, or if it is only
partially abated, in accordance with the order of the State
Board of Health, its officers or agents, within the time speci-
fied in said notice, then the State Board of Health, its officers
and agents, are authorized and directed to enter upon such
premises in this State and abate the nuisance at the cost and
expense of the owner, occupier or tenant of the premises; and
they shall have power to do such work, and to use such mate-
rials and things as may be necessary to effectually abate the
same; provided, however, that in each and every case, the cost
of abating such nuisance shall not exceed the sum of fifty
106D. If the cost and expense of abating any such nui-
sance is not paid to the State Board of Health by the person
liable therefor within sixty days (60) after the abatement
thereof, then the State Board of Health shall file a suit, in its
name, before a Justice of the Peace in the County where the
nuisance was abated, or before the People's Court of Balti-
more City, as the case may be, against the owner, occupier or
tenant of the property and premises where said nuisance ex-
isted, and said Court shall have authority to proceed to judg-
ment, either upon trial had after service of the writ, or ex
parte, after the return of two non ests, as the case may be.
106E. After final judgment in favor of the State Board of
Health, it shall file a certified copy of the same with the
County Commissioners in the County where such judgment
is obtained, or with the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
City, as the case may be, which judgment shall be a lien upon
the property of the defendant, to be collected by the said
County Commissioners, or the said Mayor and City Council,
as the case may be, in the same way as taxes on real property
are now collected; the said lien to bear interest at the rate of