upon assign, or cause to be assigned, and, if necessary, reas-
sign or cause to be reassigned, such persons to occupations as
aforesaid, carried on by the State, the counties or the City of
Baltimore, or to private employers engaged in occupations of
the character above mentioned, and who accept the services of
such persons, for a period which shall not in the case of any
person exceed six continuous months at any one time. Per-
sons so assigned must in every case be physically able to per-
form the work to which they are assigned. As soon as the
proclamation has been issued, as herein provided, it shall be
the duty of the Governor to prepare and publish such rules
and regulations governing the assignment of persons to work
under this Act as will assure that all persons similarly circum-
stanced shall, as far as it is possible to do so, be treated alike.
In fixing the period of work to which anyone is assigned, and
in determining its nature, the Governor shall take into con-
sideration the age, physical condition and any other appropri-
ate circumstances of the person so assigned. The rules and
regulations adopted under the provisions of this Act shall
make allowances for such facts and circumstances. Any such
person failing or refusing to do or to continue to do the work
assigned to him, and who, in the meanwhile, has not become
regularly or continuously employed in some business, occupa-
tion, trade or profession, shall, upon conviction before any
Justice of the Peace having criminal jurisdiction, be fined
not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or be impris-
oned not more than six months, or be both fined and impris-
oned, in the discretion of the Court or Justice.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all persons able
to support themselves by reason of ownership of property or
income and those supported by others, shall be included among
those required to register under this Act. All students and all
persons fitting themselves to engage in trade or industrial pur-
suits shall not be included within the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That after the issuance
of the proclamation hereinbefore provided for, it shall be the
duty of the Sheriffs of the respective counties and of the
Police Department of Baltimore City, and of any other officer,
State, county or municipal, charged with enforcing the law, to