can not be carried on as the protection and welfare of the
people of this State and of the United States require with-
out resort to this Act, no person to be assigned to any work
he is not physically able to do; and providing the procedure
and the means and for rules and regulations for carrying
this Act into effect, and for compensation to persons so as-
signed to work, for the period of such assignments, and
penalties for non-compliance with the Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whenever, because of the existence of a state
of war, the Governor determines that it is necessary, for the
protection and welfare of the people of the State, that all able-
bodied male persons, between the ages hereinafter mentioned,
be employed in occupations carried on by the State, the Coun-
ties or the City of Baltimore, or any of their agencies, or be
employed in occupations carried on by private persons, firms
or corporations, whether agricultural, industrial or otherwise,
and which occupations, whether carried on by the State, the
counties, the City of Baltimore, or by private employers, the
Governor finds to be essential for the protection and welfare
of the people of the State and the United States, and also finds
that the same cannot be carried on as the protection and wel-
fare of the people of this State and of the United States
require without resort to this Act, then the Governor shall be
authorized, by proclamation, to require every able-bodied male
person between 18 and 50 years of age, inclusive, within the
State, not then or thereafter regularly or continuously em-
ployed or engaged in any lawful and useful business, occupa-
tion, trade or profession of any kind, to register forthwith his
name, address, age and any other information which the Gov-
ernor shall require, with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
county in which such person may be, or with the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Balimore City, if cucb person be in Balti-
more City. It shall be the dutty of caid clerk, from time to time,
upon request of the Governor, to furnish him lists of the names,
addresses, age and such other information aforesaid as may
have been obtained and registered. The Governor shall there-