seek and to continue to seek diligently the names and places of
residence of able-bodied male persons within their respective
jurisdictions, between the ages aforesaid, not regularly or con-
tinuously employed as aforesaid, who have failed to register
as aforesaid, and to obtain warrants for their arrest from
any Justice of the Peace having criminal jurisdiction. Fail-
ure of such persons to register shall be a misdemeanor and shall
be punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00).
The names of all those convicted before any Justice of the
Peace of failing to register, together with all other informa-
tion as aforesaid, shall be sent by the Justices of the Peace to
the Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the Counties or the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, as the case may be.
The said Clerks shall register as aforesaid all persons con-
victed of failing to register, and report such registrations to
the Governor as hereinbefore provided. The Governor shall
thereupon assign such persons to work as provided in Sec-
tion 1.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That all persons re-
quired to work under this Act shall receive compensation not
less than the wage or salary paid to others engaged in the
same nature of work to which each such person is assigned.
If any such person is assigned to work for any department,
board or commission of the State, then the compensation of
such person shall be paid him by such department, board or
commission out of the appropriation made to it by the State.
If any such person is assigned to work for any county
or for the City of Baltimore, or for any private em-
ployer, then the compensation of such person shall be
paid to him by such county or the City of Baltimore
or by the private employer accepting his services. Any
such private employer shall be required to execute a
bond to the State, in such penalty and with such surety as
the Governor may approve, conditioned to guarantee the pay-
ment of such compensation as the same falls due. If any such
private employer fails to pay to any such person the compen-
sation so due him, then the same shall be paid by the State,
out of any moneys in the Treasury available therefor and not
otherwise appropriated, or out of any moneys appropriated
therefor; in the latter event, such payments to be made on