AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 26
of Article 6 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Caro-
line County," sub-title "Federalsburg," as the same was en-
acted by Chapter 555 of the Acts of 1912, and to add an
additional section to said Article, said title and said sub-
title, authorizing the Commissioners of F'ederalsburg to bor-
row money on the credit of said town and to provide means
for the payment of the same and the interest to accrue there-
on, said new section to follow Section 26 as amended and to
be designated as Section 26A.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 26 of Article 6 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Caroline County," sub-title "Federalsburg,"
as the same was enacted by Chapter 555 of the Acts of 1912,
be and is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments,
that an additional Section be added to said Article, said title
and said sub-title and to follow said Section 26 as amended
and to be designated as Section 26A. Said Section 26 as
amended and said new section to read as follows:
Section 26. And, be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers may pass such by-laws and ordinances as they shall deem
necessary and for the good government of said town and the
inhabitants thereof; also for the prevention, removal or abate-
ment of nuisances; to prevent swine, geese or other fowls and
animals or stock from going at large; for controlling the erec-
tion and locating of buildings, fences, stock enclosures, and
for prohibiting and controlling the use of powder, firearms,
fire crackers and other explosives; for the protection of pub-
property, sidewalks, shade or ornamental trees from destruc-
tion and injury; for the paving of sidewalks and assessing
and taxing the expenses thereof in whole or in part upon the
respective owners of property fronting thereon; for a license
or tax on public exhibitions or amusements of all kinds, bil-
liard, pool or bagatelle tables, and ten-pin alleys, and for the
collection of the same; for a tax on persons for each dog kept