give or conceals any information or who gives any false in-
formation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subject,
for each offense, to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars,
or to imprisonment for not less than one month nor more
than six months, or to both fine and imprisonment, in the
discretion of the court or justice before whom the prosecu-
tion may be had, and any court or justice having criminal
jurisdiction shall have jurisdiction to try such person. The
officer making the enrollment shall forthwith report all such
persons to the Adjutant General and to the State's Attorney
for the county or for Baltimore City, as the case may be, for
XVII. The staff of the Governor shall consist of the Ad-
jutant General, who shall be chief of staff and acting Quarter-
master General, and shall have the rank of Brigadier General,
and whose salary shall be three thousand dollars per annum
and the said sum is hereby appropriated for that purpose annu-
ally, and the Comptroller is directed to draw his warrant on
the Treasurer who is hereby directed to pay the same in equal
monthly instalments; and a Quartermaster General, a Chief
of Ordnance, an Inspector-General, a Surgeon-General, a Judge-
Advocate General; all of whom shall have the rank of Briga-
dier-General, and shall be appointed by the Governor; and the
Governor is hereby empowered to appoint such number of
aides, not exceeding ten, with the rank of Colonel, as may be
necessary to the discharge of his duties as Commander-in-Chief.
The Adjutant General shall be appointed by the Governor from
the officers of the National Guard, or from officers of the United
States Army above the rank of Captain, and he shall be en-
titled to all the rights and privileges granted to other officers
in the National Guard in this Article. All of these staff
officers shall be appointed by the Governor and shall hold office
during his pleasure, and their commissions shall expire with
the term of office of the Governor appointing them, with the
exception of the Adjutant General, who shall hold office until
the qualification of his successor.
XVIII. The Adjutant General shall be in control of the
military department of the State, and subordinate only to the
Governor in matters pertaining' to said department. He will