perform such duties as pertain to the Adjutant General and
the other chiefs of staff departments, under the regulations and
customs of the United States Army. He will superintend the
preparation of all returns and reports required by the United
States from the State, and will perform all the duties pre-
scribed for him by the laws of this State and of the United
States, (a) He shall keep a register of all the officers of the
militia of the State, and keep in his office all records and
papers required to be kept and filed therein, and make a report
as of the 30th of September in each year, within fifteen days
thereafter, to the Governor, including a detailed statement of
all the receipts and expenditures for military purposes during
the year, (b) The seal now used in the office of the Adjutant
General shall be the seal of his office and shall be delivered by
him to his successor, (c) The Adjutant General may have
one Assistant to the Adjutant General, whose salary shall be
fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and the said sum is hereby
appropriated for that purpose annually, and the Comptroller
is hereby directed to draw his warrant on "the Treasurer, who
is hereby directed to pay the same in equal monthly instal-
ments; and the necessary clerks and employees, not exceeding-
four, and as many laborers as may be required from time to
time. He shall be appointed by the Governor upon the recom-
mendation of the Adjutant General. The clerks and employees
shall be appointed and the laborers hired by the Adjutant Gen-
eral. The Assistant to the Adjutant General shall aid the
Adjutant General by the performance of such duties as may
be assigned to him, and shall, in case of absence or inability
of the Adjutant General, perform all or such portion of the
duties of the Adjutant General as the Governor or Adjutant
General may expressly and lawfully delegate to him. (d) All
battle flags turned over to the Governor shall be under the care
and custody of the Adjutant General.
XXXIX. Any man who is a citizen of the United States,
or has declared his intention to become a citizen, if more than
eighteen and not over forty-five years of age, able-bodied, of
good character and temperate habits, may be enlisted in the
National Guard of this State, under the restrictions of this
Article, for a term of not less than three years, except that
men may be enlisted as musicians if more than sixteen years