95. The system of discipline and exorcises of the Maryland
State Guard shall conform, as nearly as may be, to the system
provided by law for the National Guard, and there shall be
established for the Maryland State Guard, under the super-
vision and direction of the Adjutant General, such Military
Courts and Courts Martial as may be necessary, which shall be
constituted as similar courts provided for the National Guard
are constituted, and which shall have and exercise, with respect
to the officers and men of the Maryland State Guard, whether
in active service or not, all the powers and jurisdiction which
the Military Courts of this State and the Courts Martial of the
National Guard have and exercise with respect to the National
Guard when called into active service, with the same procedure
and the same powers to issue process and to impose and en-
force discipline and punishment. Fines and penalties may be
collected in the same manner as provided by law for the
National Guard.
96. When called into active service, the officers and men of
the Maryland State Guard shall receive such compensation
while on active service as may be fixed by the Governor, pro-
vided that the same shall not be at a greater rate than that pro-
vided by the laws of this State for the officers and men of the
National Guard of this State when in active service for the
97. The Governor shall have the power to disband the
Maryland State Guard, or any portion thereof, whenever, in
his judgment, the same is consistent with the public interests
and safety.
98. The Governor is authorized to employ such assistants
and clerical help, if any, as he may find necessary to enable
him to carry this Act into effect.
99. All expenses and disbursements authorized by this Act
shall be paid out of any moneys appropriated for such pur-
pose; such payments to be made, from time to time, on the
order of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Council of
Defense, by and with the sanction aucl approval of the Gover-
nor; such orders to be directed to the Comptroller, who shall
draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the amount thereof
as in law provided.