Guard, the age limits for the members thereof, the manner,
form and time of enlistment therein, and discharge therefrom,
and for the organization, physical requirements and examina-
tions, training, officering, government, number and strength
of units, maintenance, armament, equipment and ammunition
of the said Guard. The Governor may admit existing organi-
zations or units to membership in the Maryland State Guard.
The title to all uniforms, armament, ammuition and equip-
ment of every kind shall be and remain in the State.
93. The Governor shall call the Maryland State Guard,
or any portion thereof, into active service whenever and as
often as and for such period of time or times as, in his judg-
ment, the public interests and safety require, and he shall
assign the said Guard, or any unit or units or members thereof,
to such duties and at such place or places within this State as
he, in his judgment, deems proper. When so called into active
service the Maryland State Guard shall have and exercise with-
in this State all powers necessary or appropriate to preserve
peace and to guard and protect the rights of persons and prop-
erty, and to this end they may, when in active service, exer-
cise all such military powers and may do all such acts and
things as the National Guard of the State may exercise or do
when called into active service.
94. The officers of the Maryland State Guard shall be ap-
pointed by the Governor, upon the recommendation of the
Adjutant-General, and, upon like recommendation, the Gov-
ernor shall remove, promote or reduce such officers. Such offi-
cers shall have and exercise over their several commands the
same military authority as that specified for the duly chosen
officers of the National Guard under the laws of this State.
The Governor shall have the power to order any officer on the
Retired or Unassigned List of the National Guard into serv-
ice in the Maryland State Guard, and may grant to the said
Maryland State Guard the use of any and all armories owned
or leased by the State, to the extent that such use may not, in
his judgment, be inconsistent with the needs of the National
Guard. The Governor, if he deems advisable, may order the
Adjutant-General to assume command of the Maryland State
Guard, when said Guard, or any part thereof, is in active