I. For the purpose of constructing and establishing fish
hatcheries, as an aid to the conservation and production of sea
m. • For any and all such other purposes not herein speci-
fically enumerated as may be deemed necessary and proper,
in the discretion of the said Executive Committee, by and with
the sanction and approval of the Governor, for the defense
of the State, the safety of its people and the protection of
property, and to aid the State or the United States in the
present war; and also for the purpose of carrying into effect
the provisions of any Act or Acts of Assembly, which are not
herein specifically mentioned, but which may be intended or
may be resorted to for the defense of the State, or the safe-
guarding of its people and property, or otherwise aiding the
State or the United States, in the present war, whether such
Act or Acts of Assembly are now existing or may hereafter be
passed. The said Executive Committee, by and with the sanc-
tion and approval of the Governor, is particularly authorized
and made the agency to expend the proceeds of this loan in the
manner herein described, for any and all of the purposes au-,
thorized by the Act passed by the present extraordinary session
of the General Assembly relating to the establishment of a
military camp within this State, in accordance with said Act;
and also for any or all health or sanitary purposes of any kind
whatever, and at any place or places whatsoever, which may
be desirable and proper for or by reason of or as an incident
to said military camp* with authority to do any and all such
work by or through or in connection with such existing boards,
commission or other agencies or instrumentalities, State or
National, or otherwise, as may be expedient.
n. The purposes above mentioned shall be liberally con-,
strued, and any and all expenditures which can fairly be said
to be desirable or appropriate to effectuate any of them, and
to carry out the objects of this Act, are authorized to be made
out of the loan hereby provided for.
SECTION 7. And be it further enacted, That the said Exec-
utive Committee of the Maryland Council of Defense, by and
with the approval and sanction of the Governor, shall, from,
time to time, investigate and determine the purposes afore-