c. For the purpose of meeting all expenses incident to any
draft or drafts which the Governor may be authorized to make
and may make.
d. For the purpose of meeting such expenses and disburse-
ments of the Maryland Council of Defense as may be lawfully
authorized and incurred.
e. For the purpose of meeting the expenses and disburse-
ments incident to the organization, training, equipment, arm-
ing, ammunitioning and maintaining of the Maryland State
/. For the purpose of paying or aiding the counties of the
State and the City of Baltimore in meeting expenses incident
to the taking of votes by mail; provided, however, that this
authority shall not affect in any -manner the obligation of said
counties and city to pay the said expenses as now provided by
g. For the purpose of acquiring property in order to estab-
lish and maintain thereon a State farm, and to provide for
the guarding, transportation, lodging, feeding, clothing and
medical and other care and attention of prisoners working on
said State farm, and for their per diem compensation.
h. For the purpose of acquiring property by State institu-
tions for farms upon which the inmates thereof may work.
i. For the purpose of providing for the guarding, trails-,
portation, lodging, feeding, clothing and medical and other
care, and attention of such prisoners as may be required to
work for the State Roads Commission on the public roads and
bridges under that Commission's jurisdiction.
j. For the purpose of making any payments to be advanced
by the State to persons not regularly and continuously em-
ployed, who may be assigned to work in accordance with the
Act of Assembly passed at this extraordinary session of the
Legislature providing therefor.
k. For the purpose of promoting or aiding in any way
whatsoever in the conservation, production or regulation of
agricultural, food or dairy products or supplies, with author-
ity to make such payments to or in connection with such exist-
ing boards, commissions or other agencies or instrumentalities,
State or National, or otherwise, as may be expedient.