said for which, or for some or any of which,, the proceeds of
the loan hereby authorized, or any part or parts thereof, shall
be expended, and may, from time to time, apportion &aid
moneys among said purposes in such amounts as they deem
proper. ~No moneys shall be expended from the proceeds of
this loan, or any part or parts thereof, for any of the pur-
poses authorized by this Act other than such of said pur-
poses as may, from time to time, be so determined, nor shall
any of such moneys be expended for any purpose so deter-
mined in excess of the amount apportioned, from time to
time, to such purpose as aforesaid.
SECTION 8. And be it further enacted, That the General
Assembly of Maryland, at its next regular session beginning
in January, 1918, shall make proper provision, by way of
levy or levies or in such other manner as may be adequate,
for the prompt payment of the interest as and when due and
payable, and for tie prompt payment of the principal at the
time or times named for the maturity thereof, of such of the
certificates of indebtedness authorized by this Act as may then
have been issued, and for the like payment of the interest and
principal of any subsequent issue or issues of such certificates,
to the end that the interest on and the principal of any and
all certificates issued under this Act may be promptly paid
as and when respectively due and payable, to the making of
which payments, as and when due and payable, the faith and
credit of the State of Maryland is firmly and irrevocably
pledged; and in the event that any such interest or the prin-
cipal of any of said certificates be or becomes due and payable
before provision therefor has been made by the General As-
sembly of Maryland of 1918, as aforesaid, then the same shall
be promptly paid from moneys in the Treasury not other-
wise appropriated, to the making of which payments, as and
when due and payable, the faith and credit of the State of
Maryland is firmly and irrevocably pledged.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That this Act is here-
by declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the im-
mediate preservation of the public health and safety, and
being passed upon a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths