execution of the provisions of this Act relating to said loan.
In the event that it has become or may become necessary to
expend any moneys upon any of the purposes for which, as
hereinafter provided, the proceeds of this loan may be used,
before the funds necessary to meet the same from the proceeds
of this loan are in hand, then the Treasurer of the State is
hereby authorized, from time to time, to advance and pay, for
such purpose or purposes, out of any moneys in the Treasury
available therefor and not otherwise appropriated, on the order
or orders of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Coun-
cil of Defense, by and with the sanction and approval of the
Governor, a sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars
($300, 000), or any part of such sum.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the actual cash
proceeds of the sale of any and all certificates of indebtedness
authorized to be issued under this Act, shall be paid to the
Treasurer of the State, upon the warrant of the Comptroller.
There shall first be repaid to the Treasury of the State, out of
said proceeds, whatever advances may have been made there-
from for the purposes or any of the purposes mentioned in
Section 5 hereof. The balance of said proceeds shall be used
exclusively, as far as the same are required, and in the manner
and subject to the discretion hereinafter more particularly
described, for any or all of the following purposes, in accord-
ance with the several Acts of Assembly, passed at the present
extraordinary session of the Legislature, respectively providing
therefor, it being hereby declared that said purposes are neces-
sary for the defense of the State; that is to say:
a. For the purpose of meeting the expenses and disburse-
ments incident to any Military Enrollment already made or
to be made pursuant to Chapter 311 of the Acts of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland of 1916, and any amendments
thereto, or any other law of this State providing therefor.
b. For the purpose of mobilizing, equipping, compensat-
ing, transporting, supplying and maintaining in any and every
way, within this State, such portions of the National Guard or
Naval Militia as may have been or may hereafter be called into
active service by this State, and may not be mustered into the
service of the United States.