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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 957   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to submit to certain registered voters of election dis-
tricts number two, number three, number four, number five,
number six, number seven, number eight, number nine, num-
ber eleven, number twelve, number thirteen, number four-
teen, number fifteen, number sixteen and number seventeen, of
Prince George's county, the question whether or not spir-
ituous or fermented liquors or lager beer shall be sold after
September 1, 1908, within said districts, or in the portions
of said districts affected by the provisions of this Act, and
prescribing penalties and providing as to issuing licenses to
sell liquors for the year 1908.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the question whether or not any person, persons or
body corporate may sell or be licensed to sell spirituous or
fermented liquors, alcoholic drinks of any kind, or lager beer,
within the limits of election districts number two (Bladens-
burg), number three (Marlboro), number four (Nottingham),
number five (Piscataway), number six (Spaldings), number
seven (Queen Anne), number eight (Aquasco), number nine
(Surratts), number eleven (Brandywine), number twelve
(Oxen Hill), number thirteen (Kent), number fourteen
(Bowie), number fifteen (Melwood), number sixteen (Hyatts-
ville), and number seventeen (Chillum), shall be submitted
to the legal and qualified voters of said districts at a special
election to be held at the usual place of voting in said dis-
tricts on the second Tuesday of May, 1908, between the hours
of eight o'clock A. M. and six o'clock P. M., during which time
the polls shall be kept open in each of said districts; provided,
that no registered voter living within such part of the eighth
district where prohibition now prevails, and no voter living
within such part or limits of the ninth district where pro-
hibition prevails at the time of the election, and no voter
living within such part of the thirteenth district where prohibi-
tion now prevails, and no voter living in such portion of the
sixteenth district where prohibition now prevails, and no voter
living in such portion of the seventeenth district where prohi-
bition now prevails shall be permitted to vote at said election;
the intention of this Act being to submit to the voters of the
said mentioned districts and portions of said districts where
the sale of liquor is now permitted the question whether or not
liquor shall be sold and not to affect in any manner any pro-
hibitory law existing at the time of said election.

SEC. 2. That the sheriff of said county shall give public
notice of the purpose, time and places for the holding of said


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 957   View pdf image (33K)
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