SEC. 251C. All licenses to sell spirituous or fermented liquors
or lager beer in Prince George's county shall be issued by
said Board of Liquor License Commissioners and shall be
signed by the president of said board and duly attested by
their clerk, and shall begiu on the first day of May in each
year and run until the next ensuing first day of May, shall
date from the first day of the month of issue. All sums of
money received by said board shall be deposited in some
national bank or banks in said county, subject to check when
signed by the president and its clerk of said board, and after
paying the necessary expenses of said board, the surplus shall
be paid over to the County Commissioners of said county quar-
terly, except such sums as are required by law to be paid to
any town or towns entitled to the same. In addition to the
amount now or hereafter required by law to be paid as a li-
cense fee each applicant shall, when he files his application,
pay to said 'board the sum of five dollars, which shall be
applied towards the expenses of said board. Before entering
upon his duties, the clerk of said board shall give bond to be
approved by said board in the penalty of three thousand dol-
lars ($3,000) for the faithful performance of his duties and
the accounting for all funds that shall come into his hands.
The board may pay a reasonable sum as the cost of said bond.
Said board and said clerk shall, under their direction, preserve
all applications and other papers filed with them, and keep a
record of their proceedings, which papers and records shall be
open to the inspection of the public during any session of
said board.
SEC. 251D. All the powers and duties heretofore, by law,
imposed upon and exercised by the clerk of the Circuit Court
for said county relating to the issuance of liquor license for
Prince George's county are hereby vested in and conferred upon
said board, and from and after the passage of this Act shall be
exclusively exercised by said board, and all authority of the
clerk of said court to issue license for the sale of liquor and
intoxicating drinks in Prince George's county are hereby trans-
ferred from said clerk and conferred exclusively upon the
said board.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing in this Act shall be
held to affect sections 252 and 253 of said article 17 as said
sections 252 and 253 were repealed and re-enacted by chapter
296 of the Acts of 1906.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6, 1908.