time such applicant was operating under an expired license
shall be retained. The said board shall have power at any time
to revoke or suspend any license so granted upon writen peti-
tion, after due notice to such licensee and after public hearing
for any one or more of the following causes or reasons, or in
any one or more of the following cases, viz: First, for a viola-
tion of any local law relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor
or drinks in Prince George's county; second, for a violation
of any of the rules and regulations duly prescribed and formu-
lated by the said board as hereinafter authorized; third, in
cases where said board shall find that the license was pro-
cured by fraud, deceit or false representation in any material
particular by the applicant therefor; fourth, in cases where
they shall find that the said licensee is not a. fit and suitable
person to conduct a saloon or restaurant; or, fifth, in cases
where they shall find that said licensee is conducting his saloon
or restaurant as the agent of any person who has been refused
a license by said board, and where such refused person has any
pecuniary interest in the sales or profits made by said licensee
under said license. All such petition or protests shall set out
the charge or charges against such licensee and he shall be
served with a copy thereof, and notice of the day when such
petition or protest will be heard at least seven days before such
hearing, and shall be entitled to be represented by counsel,
and if such license shall be revoked or suspended, no part of
the license fee paid therefor shall be refunded. The said board
shall have power to formulate and issue such rules and regu-
lations for the proper conduct and management of such saloons
or restaurants as may be licensed by them so that good order
may be maintained therein or on or about such premises; and
when so formulated such rules and regulations shall be printed
and a copy of same furnished each licensee, which copy shall
be kept posted by such licensee in a conspicuous place in his
place of business. For the purpose of all hearing and inquiries
before said board they shall have the power to summons wit-
nesses; said summons to be directed to the sheriff of said
county, and to administer oaths and affirmations, and any per-
son found guilty of swearing falsely before said board shall
be deemed guilty of perjury, and be punished under the laws
of this State. If any witness so summoned shall neglect or
refuse to attend before said board, or to answer any lawful
question, they shall have full power to punish such recusant
witness as the Circuit Court for Prince George's county has
jurisdiction and power to punish recusant witnesses for dis-
obedience of the lawful process and orders of said court.