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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 954   View pdf image (33K)
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and consent when not in session, shall appoint three persons
who shall constitute a Board of Liquor License Commissioners
of Prince George's county, two of whom shall be selected from
the political party of the State polling the highest number of
votes at the last general State election, and the other of who
shall be selected from the political party polling the next high-
est number of votes at said general election, all of whom shall
be freeholders and voters of said county and who shall hold
office for two years from the first day of April, 1908, and; until
their successors are appointed and qualified. The members of
said board shall each receive a salary of two hundred and fifty
dollars ($250), per annum and may employ a clerk at a salary
of two hundred dollars ($200) per annum, and a counsel at a
salary of one hundred dollars ($100)per annum; all of said sala-
ries shall be payable quarterly out of the license fund herein-
after mentioned. The said board, or two members thereof, con-
stituting a quorum, shall meet at least once a month at an office
which shall be provided for them by the County Commissioners
in the courthouse at Upper Marlboro, and their duties and
powers shall be as hereinafter provided.

SEC. 251B. The said board shall receive all applications
to sell or barter spirituous or fermented liquors or intoxicating
drinks in Prince George's county, which application shall be
in the form of and comply with the requirements of sections
253 and 253A of said article 17 and accompanied by the license
fee required to be paid by section 252 of said article as amended
by the Act of 1906, chapter 296. Such applications shall be
filed with said board not less than thirty days prior to the first
of the month for which such license is to begin, except as to
the year 1908, when the same may be filed within fifteen (15)
days after the organization of said board for licenses to issue
May 1, 1908. They shall cause to be published for two suc-
cessive weeks in two weekly newspapers published in said
county, the name of such applicant and the election district
wherein the business of each applicant is to be carried on, and
shall name in said advertisement a day on which they will take
up such application and act thereon. In the event of a written
protest being filed against the granting of any license they
shall set the same down for a hearing, and after giving due
notice to the applicant proceed to determine whether or not
such license ought to be granted. Should they determine that
such license ought not to issue they shall refund to the appli-
cant his license fee, provided said applicant shall not have been
carrying on his business pending the determination of such
protest, and in such event a part of such fee proportioned to the


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 954   View pdf image (33K)
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