of said corporation, but the coupons for interest may be authen-
ticated by the engraved, lithographed or printed signature of
the treasurer alone. Said bonds shall be free of all county and
municipal taxation in Maryland. In order to obtain a fair
price for said bonds, sealed bids for the purchase thereof may be
invited by the commission hereinafter appointed, by notice to
be published in a weekly newspaper published in the town of
Laurel and in one or more daily papers published in the city of
Baltimore, and such other notice as the said Commissioners
may determine, giving at least two weeks' notice of the time and
place for opening the bids. The bids shall be opened by the
said commission at the place, and as nearly as practicable at
the time specified in said notices, and the said commission may
accept the bid of the highest responsible bidder, if in its judg-
ment the bid is adequate, and if not, said bonds may be then
sold by the said commission at private sale, and in all said
notices the right may be reserved to reject any and all bids. The
purchase price accepted for said bonds shall be paid to the said
commission to be used for the purpose herein mentioned, and
the said bonds shall be delivered by said commission or the
Mayor of said town to the purchaser; and the proceeds of sale
shall be kept by said commission as a separate fund for the pur-
pose of establishing, constructing and extending said system of
sewers, and the buildings, pipes and works, extending the water
system, and for the acquisition of any land necessary or appro-
priate to be used in connection therewith, and shall be dis-
bursed by the said commission only for such purposes.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Laurel shall annually levy a special sewer tax for the year in
which the levy is made, of not exceeding twenty-five cents on
each one hundred dollars of the assessed value of all property,
real and personal, in the town of Laurel, subject to taxation,
in addition to the regular annual taxes now authorized to be
levied and collected by the said Mayor and City Council, and
the said tax shall be levied at the same time, and shall become
due, be in arrear at the same time, shall bear interest from the
same date, and be liens on all the property of the persons and
corporations assessed, and shall be collected as other taxes au-
thorized to be levied by the Mayor and City Council of Laurel,
but if said bonds shall be sold at such time of the year as to
make it impracticable to levy said special sewer tax for said
year, at the same time with the levy of other annual taxes for
such year, the Mayor and City Council of Laurel shall levy said
special tax as soon after such sale as practicable, and said
special tax shall be due and payable thirty days after such levy
and shall bear interest from said date. The said special sewer