have the right to discharge the said sewage and drainage in the
Patuxent river.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,, That the Mayor and City Council
of Laurel shall have full power and authority to construct said
sewers and drains in Or under the beds of any of the streets,
roads, alleys and lanes of said town, and in and under any lots
or parcels of ground belonging to or which may be acquired by
the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, and to connect therewith
at the expense of the Mayor and City Council of Laurel, or to
cause or require the owners or occupants thereof to connect
therewith, at the expense of such owners or occupants, and any
or all of the dwellings, houses and other buildings, sinks, wells,
cess pools and receptacles of water or sewage in said town. And
the Mayor and City Council of Laurel shall have full power and
authority to provide by ordinance when and how such connec-
tions shall be made, and the fines and penalties for the failure,
neglect or refusal of property owners or occupants of houses,
other buildings and lands in said town to make or permit such
connections, and for injury to or interference with said sewers,
drains, pipes and connections, and said fines and penalties shall
be collected as other penalties and fines are collected.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever said sewerage sys-
tem shall be in proper working order for receiving and dispos-
ing of the sewage or drainage of any premises which shall have
been connected with it, the said Mayor and City Council shall
have power and authority to cause or require any well, sink,
cess pool or other receptacle of sewage or drainage on said
premises to be cleaned out and filled up at the expense of the
owner or occupant, so as to prevent its further use, and may
provide by ordinance fines and penalties for the failure, neglect
or refusal of the owners or occupants of such premises to clean
out and fill up such wells, sinks, cess pools and receptacles, or
to submit to the cleaning out, filling up of the same, at the ex-
pense of the owners or occupants.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Laurel shall have full power and authority, which is hereby
conferred upon it, to issue and sell at not less than par and
accrued interest, coupon bonds of said corporation to the
amount of not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,-
000.00) par value, to mature and become payable at such date
not exceeding forty years from the date thereof, and to bear in-
terest at such rate not exceeding five per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually, as the said Mayor and City Council of
Laurel shall determine. Said bonds shall be sealed with the
corporate seal, and shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer