shall be chosen to serve until the expiration of the next regular
term of treasurer or until his successor may be elected and
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the treasurer shall make all
collections of taxes and receive all money paid for the use and
benefit of said corporation; he shall keep an account of the re-
ceipts and disbursements of the funds of the corporation, in a
well-bound book, to be provided by the said Mayor and Common
Council for that purpose, and shall render the account to the
Mayor and Common Council when required by them, for all
moneys received by him, and shall promptly disburse on the
order of the Mayor and Common Council under such regula-
tions as they may prescribe, all sums of money so received by
him. He shall receive for his service five per cent, of his col-
SEC. 11. The Mayor and Common Council may annually ap-
point such town officials as they may deem necessary at such
compensation as they may think proper.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council and all other officers of the corporation shall, before
they enter upon their duties of their office, make oath that they
will diligently and faithfully, to the best of their skill and
judgment, perform the duties of their office, and shall file a cer-
tificate thereof of the officer before whom the same was made
among the records of the corporation. The Mayor and Com-
mon Council may require any of its officers to give bond in such
penalty and with such securities as they may deem necessary,
conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties, and
said bond shall be deposited in the hands of the Mayor and
Common Council; when any officer wilfully fails to discharge
any duties of his office, he may in addition to the remedy of his
bond, be dismissed by the Mayor and Common Council at its
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council may provide by ordinance for the good government of
the town, for the preservation of the peace and order therein, and
for securing to the residents of said town all rights of persons
and property to which they are by law entitled, for the survey-
ing, grading, paving, repairing, draining, laying out, extending,
opening, closing, straightening or relocating any of the streets,
sidewalks or alleys in said town, and may condemn or purchase
the right of way for any street or alley which it may determine
shall be opened for the public good, the process of condemna-
tion to conform so far as may be, to the condemnation of prop-
erty for roadways by the Commissioners of Prince George's