county, as authorized by law; for the removal of nuisances, for
the removal of obstructions from streets, lanes and alleys; for
the establishment of building lines and building regulations;
for prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons, for prohibit-
ing the discharge of firearms, firecrackers, torpedoes and other
explosives; for preventing swine, cattle, fowls, dogs or other
animals from running at large on the streets; for licensing, tax-
ing and regulating all useful trades and occupations and all
amusements and theatrical exhibitions; for the purpose of rais-
ing revenue to meet current expenses of the town, as well as for
the purpose of the proper protection of the health, good ,order
and peace of the town; for the suppression of gambling, vice
and immorality; for apprehending and punishing of all tramps
and vagrants; for protecting the purity of the water supply of
the town of Hyattsville, whether offenses against the same shall
be committed within the town limits or beyond, and for regulat-
ing the use of town water, and, if necessary, cutting off all per-
sons who abuse the right to use the same; it may pass all ordi-
nances necessary from time .to time to carry out and enforce the
foregoing provisions, and to give full force and effect to the
powers and authority conferred on said corporation, and may
enforce such ordinances by reasonable fines and penalties, not
exceeding twenty-five dollars in any one case, as may appear to
them right; it may recover said fine or penalty by an action of
debt, and in addition thereto, may imprison the offender until
the fine be paid, not exceeding thirty days, imprisonment to be
in the town lock-up, if one be provided, or in the county jail,
and the sheriff of Prince George's county shall receive and con-
fine any person so committed.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council may pass such ordinances as it may deem necessary for
the preservation of the health of the town, and remove all nui-
sances from, and prohibit all business within the corporate
limits thereof, as shall in its opinion injuriously affect the sani-
tary condition thereof.
SEC. 15. The Mayor and Common Council shall have author-
ity to extend the water mains and sewers as the interest of the
town, from time to time in its opinion demand assessing upon
the land abutting such extensions the cost thereof, which assess-
ment shall be a lien upon such abutting property, to be assessed
at such time as the Mayor and Common Council may determine,
and to be collected from the owners of said abutting property
by said Council as taxes due the corporation of Hyattsville are
collected, and the Mayor and Common Council to have power to
make all necessary regulations as to the notice of such assess-
ments to the property owners.