day of election, when they shall be closed, and the ballots pub-
licly counted, and the said judges shall, within two days after
the election, make a true and correct return of the same under
their hands, to be addressed and transmitted to the Mayor, who
shall convene the Common Council on the second Monday of
May after each election to receive said returns.
SEC. 7. At such meetings of the Mayor and Common Council
the returns shall be opened by the presiding officer, and certifi-
cates of election shall be forthwith issued by the clerk to the
Mayor and Councilmen, the qualified persons appearing to be
elected as such officers, by having received the highest number
of votes, and to the qualified candidate for treasurer, who has
likewise received the highest number of votes, and the said cer-
tificates shall be recorded among the proceedings.
SEC. 8. If at any election it shall appear from the returns of
the judges of election that any two or more persons voted for as
Mayor, Councilman or Treasurer, have received the same num-
ber of votes in such manner that there is no choice for the office,
a new election shall be immediately proclaimed by the Mayor
and Common Council, under the hand of the Mayor, to fill the
vacancy, which election shall be held on ten days' notice, and
in all respects except as to the day of election and of convening
of the Mayor and Common Council, as provided in section 6.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That on the same day on which the
Mayor and Common Council is to be elected under this Act, and
on each and every first Monday in May in each and every second
year thereafter, one person, a legal voter in said town, and
owner of real estate of the value of at least one thousand dol-
lars, shall be chosen by the voters of said town as its treasurer,
to serve for two years and until his successor shall qualify, but
before said treasurer shall enter upon his duties, he shall give
bond payable to the Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville,
in such penalty as the Mayor and Common Council may fix,
with securities to be approved by them, conditioned they may
direct, and the said treasurer shall qualify and enter upon the
duties of his office or before the first Monday in June succeeding
his election, and a failure to qualify within the time herein
specified shall be deemed a refusal to accept the office, where-
upon the Mayor and Common Council shall order a new elec-
tion to fill the vacancy, such election to be held in the manner
prescribed by section 6 hereof. In the event of the death, resig-
nation, inability to act or removal for cause of the treasurer by
the Mayor and Common Council, it shall be its duty to appoint
another treasurer under like conditions as to bond, to serve
until the next succeeding town election, at which his successor