thence along the centre of Wine avenue to centre line of Ralston
avenue; thence along the centre line of Ralston avenue to Co-
lumbia avenue, and thence along the centre line of Columbia
avenue to the western boundary line of said town, all that part
of the said remaining part of said town lying south and west of
the said general division line as described shall constitute ward
two, and all that part lying north of said line constitute ward
number three of said town.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted,, That the said Mayor and Council-
men elected hereunder shall meet on or before the third Monday
in May next succeeding their election, when they shall qualify,
and meet as often thereafter as necessary to a proper discharge of
their official duties; they shall receive no pay for their services,
and in case of a vacancy in either of these offices by reason of
death, refusal to act, disqualification, resignation or removal be-
yond the corporate limits, the Mayor and Council, or a majority
of them, for the time being, shall elect a Mayor or Councilman
from the citizens of the town to fill said vacancy until his suc-
cessor shall have been elected at the next regular town election,
and shall have qualified. The vacancy so caused as regards
Councilmen shall be filled from the ward in which the vacancy
occurred. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the
Council and shall have all the privileges of a Councilman in de-
bate and vote. The Council may elect one of their number as
chairman pro tem., who shall, in the absence or inability of the
Mayor, preside at the sessions. Special meetings of the Council
may at any time be convened by the Mayor, or at the request of
three members of that body. The Mayor of the town of Hyatts-
ville shall be the executive officer thereof, clothed with all the
power necessary to secure the enforcement of all ordinances of
said town under this charter. At all meetings of the Mayor and
Common Council, the Mayor and three Councilmen, or in the
absence of the Mayor, four Councilmen, present and voting,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and
four affirmative votes shall be necessary for the passage of an
ordinance, law or resolution at all times.
SEC. 6. The first election hereunder shall be held at such
places as the present Mayor and Common Council of Hyatts-
ville shall designate, after at least seven days' public notice of
the same, given by them, and three judges and clerks to conduct
same shall be designated and appointed by them at least two
days prior thereto in each of said wards, and at said first elec-
tion, and not at all elections hereafter, which shall be held upon
notice and under authority of the Mayor and Common Council.
The polls shall be kept open at such places as that body may
designate from two o'clock P. M. to seven o'clock P. M., of the