the east branch of the eastern branch of the Potomac river;
thence with the centre of said eastern branch of the Potomac
river to the place of beginning.
SEC. 4. The male citizens of said town of the age of twenty-
one years or upwards, who shall possess the qualifications of
legally registered voters of this State, and who shall have re-
sided in said town for the space of six months next preceding
the first. Monday in May, 1908, shall elect on that day, at such
places as shall be selected for the holding of elections, one per-
son, a legal voter of said town, who has resided therein for two
years at least next preceding the election, to be Mayor of said
town, and two persons in each of the wards herein provided for,
who shall possess the same qualification and be residents of the
ward from which they shall be chosen by the various voters of
said ward, to be common Councilmen of said town; and an-
nually thereafter, on the first Monday of May, such, citizens
shall select one person having the qualifications above de-
scribed, to be Mayor; provided, that one of such Councilmen
shall, at the first election held under the provisions of this sec-
tion, be elected for the term of two years, such person to be
voted for upon a ticket to be designated, to serve for two years
in each ward, and one person at said election shall be selected
from each ward to serve one year, and annually thereafter one
person shall be elected in each ward, having the qualification
above described, to serve for two years as Councilman and until
their successors shall be elected and qualified. No person shall
be eligible as Mayor or as Councilman of said town unless he be
an owner in fee simple of real estate in said town, in his own
name, to the amount of five hundred dollars, and shall so re-
main during his term of office, and his term of office shall termi-
nate upon his removal of residence from the town limits.
Neither the Mayor nor any of the Councilmen shall, during
their term of office, hold or be interested in any office under the
corporation, or be a party, directly or indirectly, in any con-
tract to which the corporation is a party. The said town of
Hyattsville shall be divided into three wards, as follows: Ward
number "one shall embrace all of the said town lying south and
east of the centre line of Maryland avenue, commonly known as
the Washington and Baltimore turnpike, and south and east of
the Washington branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, as
now established in its lines through said town; for wards num-
ber two and three, the remaining part of Hyattsville shall be
divided into two sections by a general division line beginning at
the junction of the centre line of Johnson avenue with the
centre line of Maryland avenue, and running thence along the
centre line of Johnson avenue to the centre line of Wine avenue;