become operative in their discretion, either as to the whole or
any part of such special improvement and such special improve-
ment' bond issue provided herein, for the procurement and im-
provement of a road or toll pike lying partly in two or more
election districts; any bonds issued under the provision of this
section shall be non-contestable for any cause; the County Com-
missioners shall appoint three judges of elections and two
clerks for each of such election districts so voting on such
special improvements resolutions of said County Commission-
ers for such special election, each of whom shall be taxpayers
and shall qualify by taking the following oaths respectively:
"I, A. B., do swear or affirm that I will permit all persons to
vote who shall offer to vote at the special election now to be
held for district in Montgomery county, whose name
shall appear in the list of voters furnished to me as required by
law, as qualified voters under the Constitution and laws of this
State, who are also taxpayers, within the meaning of the law
under which this special election is to be held, and that I will
not permit any person to vote at said election whose name shall
not be found upon the said list of qualified voters, and that I
will not permit any person to vote at said election whose name
shall be upon the list of qualified voters who is not a taxpayer
within the meaning of the Act under which this special elec-
tion is to be held, and I will in all things execute the office of
judge of the said election according to the best of my knowl-
edge without fear or partiality, so help me God." "I, A. B., do
swear or affirm that I will well and faithfully, without fear or
affection, or partiality, execute the office of clerk of the special
election now to be held according to the best of my knowledge,
so help me God." The treasurer of said county shall furnish to
said judges of such special election in such election district in
which such special election is to be held, for their use and in-
formation, a list of the names of the taxpayers of such election
district appearing upon the records of his office and shall attach
thereto a certificate over his official signature showing that the
same is a full and correct list of such taxpayers in such election
district; said treasurer shall also prepare from the records of
the Board of Election Supervisors of said county, a correct list
of the registered voters of such election district, and shall
attach thereto a certificate over his official signature showing
that he knows the same to be a full and correct list of such reg-
istered voters in such election district, and shall deliver the
same to said judges of such special election, which said lists of
taxpayers and registered voters shall be accepted as correct by
said judges of such special election, and any person whose name
appears upon said list of registered voters may be allowed by