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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 914   View pdf image (33K)
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records of his office; and if it shall appear that a majority of
the votes cast in any election district shall have been for a
resolution of said County Commissioners providing for the
issue of special improvement bonds for such procurement and
improvement of a road or toll pike lying wholly within such
district, then .the clerk of said court shall prepare a certificate
proclaiming the result of such election on such resolution in
such district, and cause said certificate to be published once in
one or more newspapers published in said county; and such
resolution of said County Commissioners providing for the
issue of such special improvement bonds to pay the cost of such
road or toll pike so covered by such resolution shall become
operative, and the procurement and improvement of the road
or toll pike specified in such resolution shall be executed and
the bonds issued as herein specified; the said special improve-
ment bonds and interest thereon shall be paid by a special tax
of apportionately equal annual instalments to be levied for a
specified number of years, not exceeding twenty-five, upon the
taxable property of such election district; the said special tax
shall be a lien upon the taxable property of such election dis-
trict upon which it is so levied, and shall be collected in the
manner provided for the collection of county taxes of said
county; if it shall appear that a majority of the votes cast in
each of two or more election districts shall be for a resolution
of said County Commissioners providing for the issue of special
improvement bonds for such procurement and improvement of
a road or toll pike lying partly in each of such election dis-
tricts, such resolutions shall become operative in the same man-
ner and under the same terms and conditions as herein pro-
vided for special improvement bonds to pay the cost of a road
or toll pike lying wholly in one election district, except that
such special improvement tax to carry such special improve-
ment bonds and pay the interest thereon shall be levied upon
the property of the several election districts so voting in pro-
portion to the respective interests of each of such election dis-
tricts in such road or toll pike as nearly as such interest may
be ascertained by said County Commissioners; but if it shall
appear that a majority of the votes cast in one or more elec-
tion districts shall be for such a resolution of said County
Commissioners so providing for the issue of special improve-
ment bonds for such procurement and improvement of a road
or toll pike lying partly in several election districts, and that a
majority of the votes cast in one or more of the election dis-
tricts in which said road or toll pike also lies shall be against
such resolution of said County Commissioners, then and in that
event, the said resolution of said county Commissioners shall


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 914   View pdf image (33K)
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