said judges of elections to vote at such special election upon
satisfying the said judges that he or his wife is a taxpayer in
such election district, or that he has a valid interest in an un-
settled estate upon which taxes are paid in said election dis-
177B. That any roads or toll pikes built or reconstructed
under the provisions of section 177D of this article shall be done
under the supervision of a competent and experienced road en-
gineer, to be employed by said County Commissioners for the
purpose and under contract, after advertisement of proposals
and specifications, to the lowest responsible bidder, who shall
give a bond satisfactory to said County Commissioners for the
faithful performance of his contract within a time specified in
such contract; provided, that nothing contained in this or the
three preceding sections of this article shall prevent the ex-
penditure of the whole or any portion of the proceeds of such
special improvement bonds for any election district or districts
of said county by said County Commissioners under any pres-
ent or future State law providing for the improvement of public
roads or toll pikes under which the said county is required to
pay a part of the cost of such road or roads, or toll pike or toll
pikes, if such expenditures are made upon the road or roads,
or toll pike or toll pikes, and in the election district, for which
they were so voted. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with
the provision of this and the three preceding sections are here-
by repealed. To provide the clerical force for putting into
effect this and the three preceding sections of this article, the
treasurer of the county is authorized to employ such assistance
as may be necessary at a compensation to be fixed by the said
Board of County Commissioners.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of of its passage.
Approved March 23, 1908.
AN ACT authorizing and directing the County Commissioners
of Montgomery county to issue bonds to the amount of
twelve thousand five hundred dollars for the purpose of
building and improving public roads and highways within
the Seventh and Thirteenth Election Districts of said county,
and to levy and collect taxes in the Seventh and Thirteenth
Election Districts of said county for the payment of the said