Section districts, as herein stated, but that the levy of a special
tax upon the property of such district or districts for such pur-
pose or purposes would too heavily burden the taxpayers of
said district or districts, they, the said County Commissioners,
are authorized and empowered to issue and place special road
improvement bonds of said county to cover the costs of such
"procurement and improvement of such road or toll pike," in
such district or districts, the amount of such bonds not to ex-
ceed ten per cent, of the taxable basis of such election district
or districts; provided, that they, the said County Commission-
ers, shall prepare resolutions specifying the nature and esti-
mated cost of such special road procurement and improve-
ments, manner of issue and payment by special improvement
.bonds specifically designating the election district or districts
in which property is to be taxed to carry said bonds and pay
the interest thereon; said proposed resolutions shall be posted
in at least five conspicuous places in each of the election dis-
tricts affected thereby, and published once a week for three
consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers of said county,
with a notice of a meeting of said County Commissioners at
the expiration of that period, to hear any persons that may
object thereto; after such hearing the said County Commis-
sioners may, if they deem proper, pass such resolution or reso-
lutions, and shall thereafter submit the question of the issue
of such special improvement bonds provided for in each of said
resolutions to the registered and qualified voters of such elec-
tion districts who are taxpayers in such election district or dis-
tricts, at a special election to be held between the hours of 8
o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clock P. M., at the regular place of hold-
ing elections in such election district or districts, on such date
as may be designated by said County Commissioners, with such
notice and publication, and in such manner as hereinbefore in
this section last provided; any registered, qualified voter whose
wife is a taxpayer in said election district or districts, and any
registered or qualified voter who has an interest in any un-
settled estate which pays taxes in such election district or dis-
tricts shall be deemed a taxpayer within the meaning of this
section; no person paying a dog tax shall, for that reason, be
deemed a taxpayer within the meaning of this section, and the
ballots for or against such special improvement bonds shall be
printed and so arranged that each of such resolutions of said
County Commissioners may be voted upon separately, and the
ballots so cast shall be counted by the judges of said elections,
who shall, within three days thereafter, make a written return
of such votes to the clerk of the Circuit Court for Montgomery
county, and said clerk shall record said returns among the