trict within which the road lies; one duplicate of said agree-
ment shall be delivered to the supervisor or contractor and the
other shall be filed immediately with the treasurer of the
177D. The County" Commissioners are authorized and em-
powered to levy and cause to be collected from the property
owners of any election district listed as provided in section
177B of this article, a special tax for securing by condemnation
or otherwise and permanently improving, draining, grading, re-
surfacing or macadamizing any road or roads or toll pike or
toll pikes within such election district; provided, that no such
special levy shall be made on the property of such election dis-
trict unless said County Commissioners are petitioned in writ-
ing, not later than April 15 preceding the annual levy, for such
procuring and improvement of a road or roads, or toll pike or
toll pikes therein named, and indicating the desire for a special
tax upon the property of such election district for such pur-
pose or purposes, and signed by such number of citizens and
taxpayers of said election district as may satisfy said County
Commissioners of the fact that there is a general public de-
mand on the part of the citizens and taxpayers of said election
district for such road procurement and special improvement
and for such special levy, and where said County Commis-
sioners are so petitioned to so secure and permanently improve
a road or toll pike lying partlyr in two or more election dis-
tricts by citizens and taxpayers of each of said districts in
which said road or toll pike may lie, said County Commis-
sioners may levy and cause to be collected from the property
owners of each of such election districts a special tax for such
purposes which shall be apportioned as nearly as may be ac-
cording to the respective interests of such election district in
said road or toll pike, but no such levy for such special road
procurement or improvement shall be made on the property of
any district or districts unless notice of the intention of said
County Commissioners to make such special levy, the purpose
or purposes therefor, the amount thereof and the approximate
effect of such levy on the tax rate of such district or districts,
shall be published in one or more newspapers of said county for
two successive weeks designating the date upon which the said
County Commissioners shall meet for the purpose of hearing
objections to such special levy; whenever it shall appear to
said County Commissioners from such petition or petitions of
the citizens and taxpayers of one or more election districts
that there is a general public demand for so securing and per-
manently improving a road or roads, or toll pike or toll pikes
lying in any election district or lying partly in two or more