exceed the assessment of the same for county purposes, and
they may levy a tax thereon not exceeding thirty cents on the
one hundred dollars worth of assessable property.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of of its passage.
Approved April 6, 1908.
AN ACT to add four new sections to article 16 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Montgomery County," sub-title
"Roads," to fgllow after section 177A and to be numbered
177B, 177C, 177D and 177E, providing for the keeping of assess-
ment books of Montgomery county by election districts, the
method of making and keeping contracts with road super-
visors for a special road improvement tax by election dis-
tricts, and for the issue of special road improvement bonds of
said county, under certain conditions, the proceeds of such
bonds to be used in acquiring and improving certain roads
and toll pikes in said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following four new sections be added to article
16 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Montgomery
County," sub-title "Roads," to follow after section 177A and to
be numbered 177B, 177C, 177D and 177E...
177B. The County Commissioners are authorized and directed
to cause to be prepared an assessment book for each election
district, showing the assessable property therein; provided,
that where improved property lies partly in two or more elec-
tion districts the same shall appear in the assessment book of
the election district in which the improvements or most valua-
ble part of the improvements are located, and where unim-
proved property lies in two or more election districts, the same
shall appear in the assessment book of the election district in
which the greater part of the property is situated.
177c. All contracts or agreements for the appointment or
employment of road supervisors by the County Commissioners
shall be made in writing, in duplicate, upon uniform blanks
provided for the purpose, and shall show as nearly as may be
the mileage of each piece of road covered by such contract or
employment, the character of the work to be done upon such
road and the total price to be charged; the distance to be re-
paired with stone, if any, the character of such stone work and
the contract price of same, and the name of the election dis-