Commissioners to allot and adjust the "Sheep Fund" created
by said Act; to re-enact section 214 of article 12 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Garrett County," sub-title
"Sheep," as amended by chapter 193 of the Acts of 1892;
and to add a new section to the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Garrett County," sub-title "Sheep," to be designated
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That chapter 309 of the Acts of 1906, title "Garrett
County," sub-title "Dogs," be and the same is hereby repealed,
and that the County Commissioners are hereby authorized to
allot and adjust the "Sheep Fund" created by said Act; and
that section 214 of article 12 of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Garrett County," sub-title "Sheep," be re-enacted as
amended by chapter 193 of the Acts of 1892, and that a new
section be added to the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Gar-
rett County," sub-title "Sheep," to be designated 214A.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That after the first day of April,
1908, that the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett
county shall have power to place any balance which may
remain in the hands of the county treasurer to the credit of the
"Sheep Fund," after all claims for sheep killed by dogs have
been paid, to the credit of the general road fund of the county;
and in case the claims proven for loss of sheep by dogs prior
to April 1, 1908, cannot be met by the "Sheep Fund," then the
County Commissioners shall pay such claims out of the general
funds of the county.
214. It shall be lawful to kill any dog seen running sheep in
Garrett county, and owners of dogs shall be liable for all sheep
killed or injured by them, and any person seeing such dogs
running at large may lawfully kill the same.
214A. The Board of County Commissioners of Garrett county,
upon the petition of taxpayers, if they elect, shall have power to
levy a tax or license fee upon dogs and bitches owned, kept, or
harbored within their county, and to provide for the enroll-
ment of said dogs and bitches, designating the officer or officers
to do the same, and they may designate the time and manner
of collecting the tax or license fee, and appoint the officer or
officers to make such collection or enrollment, and may require
them to give bond; and upon the petition in writing of the
taxpayers of any one election district the County Commis-
sioners, if they see fit, shall have power to levy an amount
upon the taxable basis of the district so petitioning, which
amount shall be applied in that district only to reimburse the
owners of sheep or lambs residing in said district for all sheep