for use upon the building and grounds of the new court-
house in said county.
Whereas by chapter 788 of the Acts of 1906, a Commission
was created to contract for the erection of a new courthouse
for Garrett county, and the Board of County Commissioners
were empowered to issue bonds bearing interest at the rate of
five per cent, to the amount of $75,000 for that purpose; and
Whereas the Courthouse Commission entered into contracts
based upon an expenditure of the above sum of $75,000; and
Whereas when the bonds were offered for sale by the County
Commissioners it was their judgment to place the interest at
four per cent., thereby making a material saving to the county
in the total interest to be paid, but on this account causing
the bonds to sell below par, thus reducing the net amount
available to the use of the Courthouse Commission by $3,138.50;
Whereas it is necessary that the Commission have not less
than $75,000 available to meet the necessary expenses of the
construction of the courthouse; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of County Commissioners are hereby
authorized and empowered to levy upon the taxable basis of
Garrett county the sum of three thousand one hundred and
thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents ($3,138.50) to be expended
upon the new courthouse, and that this amount be placed to the
credit of the Courthouse Commission for Garrett county.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Board of County Com-
missioners are hereby authorized and empowered to levy upon
the taxable basis of Garrett county the sum of three thousand
dollars ($3,000) or so much thereof as in their judgment may
be necessary for the substitution of stone columns in place of
wood columns in the porticos of the new courthouse, and for
the necessary grading of the courthouse lot, after the build-
ing is completed, and for the building of necessary steps,
walks and approaches to said new building.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1908.
AN ACT to repeal chapter 309 of.the Acts of 1906, title "Gar-
rett County," sub-title "Dogs," and to authorize the County