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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 812   View pdf image (33K)
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or lambs injured or killed by dogs, at a flat rate of three dol-
lars per head; provided, that this payment shall not be made
when the ownership of the dog which did such killing can be
proved. The County Commissioners are hereby authorized
to make all rules and regulations covering the custody and dis-
bursement of this special fund.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this Act
shall take effect upon the first day of April, 1908.

Approved April 1, 1908.


AN ACT to designate and define the boundaries of the four-
teen election districts of Garrett county as now existing.

Whereas no Act of the General Assembly has been passed
since the formation of Garrett county in 1872, which described
or defined the boundaries of all the election districts; the terms
of chapter 369 of the Acts of 1874 being very vague and un-
satisfactory; and

Whereas many of the original districts have had portions of
territory cut from them to form other districts, leaving their
present limits without adequate description; therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the boundaries of the fourteen election districts now
existing in Garrett county shall be as follows:

SEC. 2. District number one (1) shall be known as Swan-
ton district and shall begin on the State line upon the right
bank of the Potomac river opposite the mouth of the Three
Forks run near Chaffee, and run up the south prong of said
run in a westerly direction to where the Mud Bridge crosses
said run branch on the Wilson and Kitzmiller county road;
then with said road crossing the top of Back Bone mountain
to Wilson store, upon the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; then
by a straight line to the head of Deep creek; then down Deep
creek to the mouth of Meadow Mountain run; then up Meadow
Mountain run to its head; then by a straight line to the head
of north branch of Middle Fork run near Buckner Masons; then
with said north fork to the mouth of Black Hawk run; north
of Tom Ridge; then down Middle Fork run to its juncture with
Crab Tall creek, then by a line south 12 degrees east to
"Thomas' Dump" on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; then
westward along said railroad 140 perches to a point 16 perches
west of the Frankville depot; then leaving the railroad and


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 812   View pdf image (33K)
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