amount due on same, including fine, which he shall retain, shall
account for the balance to said Commissioners, the said bailiff
is hereby given the power, and it shall be in his discretion to
take the same proceeding with reference to any animal or ani-
mals of any kind hereinbefore named of which the owner may
be known, and it shall be his duty to so empound the said
animal or animals if the owner be known, or to institute pro-
ceedings before a justice of the peace as hereinbefore provided
for violation of the provisions of this section as hereinafter set
forth herein. It shall be the duty of the bailiff as far as practi-
cable, to enforce this and other provisions of this Act as well
as the ordinances enacted by the said Town Commissioners, as
provided in this Act, and any wilful neglect upon his part to
enforce either of them upon coming to his notice shall be mal-
feasance in office.
116G. The Town Commissioners are hereby empowered to
borrow money for the purpose of public improvements in said
town, in such sums as they may deem proper, in their dis-
cretion, not to exceed in the aggregate five thousand dollars,
exclusive of what sum or sums may now be due and owing by
the said Town Commissioners, such sum or sums of money to
be payable at such times as the said Commissioners may agree
upon with the lenders, subject- to the limitation hereinafter set
forth, and to issue therefor bonds in sums of not less than one
hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars
($500.00) each, each to be signed by the president of the said
Town Commissioners and countersigned by the clerk thereof
and all of them issued to be redeemable at a time not longer
than ten years from issue at the option of the Commissioners,
and to bear a rate of interest not to exceed five per centum
per annum. The interest on said bonds hereby authorized to be
payable semi-annually on the first day of January and the first
day of July in each and every year according to the terms of
coupons to be attached thereto, said bonds to be exempt from all
taxation, and the coupons thereon when due to be receivable for
municipal taxes due to the said town of La Plata, the said
Town Commissioners to make such provisions as in their judg-
ment they shall see fit out of the annual taxes to establish a
sinking fund for the payment of the said debt.
116I. That from and after the first day of July, 1908, there
shall be a tax upon dogs in La Plata, at the rate of one dollar
from each and every male dog and five dollars for each and
every female dog per year, to be collected within thirty days
after said dog is known to be in the possession of any person
resident in La Plata, the said tax shall be paid by the known
owner of the dog or by the person in whose possession or on