the second offense to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more
than ten dollars and costs, to be recovered before a justice of
the peace, with such process and formal proceedings and for
such appeal and prayer for jury trial and other rights as now
prevail in this county in cases of misdemeanor now punisha-
ble by confinement in the penitentiary; provided, however, that
in case the said fine shall not be paid after the same shall be
imposed by the justice of the peace or the Circuit Court upon
appeal, the same may be collected by the sheriff or any consta-
ble or the bailiff of said town by process similar to that by
which judgments rendered by justices of the peace are collecti-
ble or if the sentence imposed shall be re-affirmed upon appeal
to the Circuit Court are collected by the sheriff, and the sen-
tence of the justice of the peace or the Circuit Court shall be
considered as in the nature of a judgment for the pur-
pose with the further provision that any property levied
upon in pursuance of this Act shall not be subject
to any exemption from execution, and in case of a sec-
ond offense and failure to pay such fine in addition to
the above remedy the party committing the same by permit-
ting the animals to run at large as aforesaid shall be com-
mitted to jail until the fine shall be paid; provided, that in no
case shall the imprisonment be for more than five days in the
county jail of Charles county; and provided further, that in-
stead of process in the nature of an arrest, the justice of the
peace shall issue the ordinary process of summons as in civil
cases to be followed by process of arrest, however, in case the
party shall fail to apear after summons served upon him. No
hogs shall be raised or kept penned or empenned for any pur-
pose or be slaughtered or brought alive into the limits of La
Plata except in transit through said town and for that pur-
pose they shall be caged or in such manner confined as not to be
able to walk or run over any portion of the streets or other
portion of said town, nor shall any cattle of any kind be slaugh-
tered within the limits of said town. Any person violating
this provision shall be fined one dollar and costs recoverable
as hereinbefore provided; if any animal or animals of any
kind heretofore named of which the owner shall be unknown or
can not be found, shall be found running at large in said town,
the bailiff shall forthwith seize and impound the same, and shall
give notice thereof by notice posted at the courthouse door,
and if the owner shall not within three days thereafter appear
and pay said bailiff the amount of the fine hereinbefore named
and twenty-five cents extra for each day in which the said
animal shall be taken and empounded, the said bailiff shall sell
the same at public sale and after deducting one-half of the