chapter 629 of the Acts of 1902, and to add a new section to
the aforesaid article, to be known as section 116I.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section 93 of article 9 of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Charles County," sub-title "La Plata," as repealed
and re-enacted by chapter 513 of the Acts of 1900, also section
116C, of the aforesaid article, as repealed and re-enacted of
chapter 629 of the Acts of 1902, and chapter 580 of the Acts of
1906, also section 116G, of the aforesaid article, as the same
was enacted by chapter 629 of the Acts of 1902, be and the same
are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, and that
a new section be added thereto to be known as sction 116I,
to read as follows :
93. The citizens of said town of La Plata having the qualifi-
cation prescribed for voters by the laws of this State, and
having resided in said town three months previous to any mu-
nicipal election, shall annually on the first Monday in May,
elect five freeholders, who shall have resided in said town for
six months next preceding said election, as the Town Commis-
sioners of La Plata, to serve for one year, or until their suc-
cessors shall be elected and qualified. Said Town Commission-
ers shall receive no pay for their services as such and they shall
continue to reside in said town of La Plata during their term
of office; provided, however, that there shall be no election of
Town Commissioners in the month of May, 1908, but that
Philip E. Sasscer, Conrad Posey, Warner A. Albrittain, Thomas
S. Owens and Harry Malcolm shall be and constitute the Town
Commissioners of La Plata from and after the first day of
June, 1908, until the first day of June, 1910, subject to the pro-
visions of this article or any part or amendments thereof, pro-
vided for the Town Commissioners elected for all other times
than as herein in this section set forth, with power to fill vacan-
cies occurring among their own number, as elsewhere in this
article set forth for the Commissioners elected as herein other-
wise provided.
116C. No person shall permit his horses, mules, hogs, or any
cattle of any kind to run at large within the limits of the said
town of La Plata; any person violating the foregoing provis-
ions of this section by permitting any one of any species of any
of said animals of either gender or of any age, to run at large
within the limits aforesaid, belonging to him or in his custody
or control, for himself or as trustee for others, or as parent or
guardian of any infant, shall be subject to a fine of one dollar
and costs for each individual of any species of the animals
named so permitted to run at large, for the first offense, and for