vide for the collection of taxes therein," be and the same are
hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, to be desig-
nated, respectively, as sections 8, 9 and 10 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Charles County," sub-title "Treasurer," so as
to read as follows:
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said Treasurer shall keep
and pay over, according to law, or upon the order of the County
Commissioners, the proceeds of all county taxes levied in said
county, collected by him, and shall also keep and pay over to the
Treasurer of the State, according to law, all State taxes in said
county collected by him; and he shall keep a full, particular
and correct account of all moneys received by him and paid out
by him and of all matters relating to the duties of his office, to-
gether with all vouchers relating thereto; and he shall present,
quarterly, to the County Commissioners a true and faithful ac-
count of all moneys received and disbursed by him, and all cash
on hand during the preceding quarter; the said reports to begin
not later than the expiration of the first quarter after the term
of office of the said Treasurer shall begin. The said Treasurer
shall deposit all the moneys collected by him in a bank or trust
company to be designated by the County Commissioners, and in
the name of himself as Treasurer of Charles county, with power
in the County Commissioners to change the said depositary if
they shall see fit; and the Treasurer shall pay out the same only
upon orders from the County Commissioners or any other body
that may be authorized by law to give such orders by any Act
pending or passed at any time by the present Legislature or
hereafter, by check upon said bank or trust company, signed by
said Treasurer. It shall be in the power of the County Com-
missioners to require money to be paid by the Treasurer at any
time he may have it in his possession or deposited as aforesaid,
for the payment of bills that may be levied against the county,
or the said County Commissioners may discount bills held by
private parties or public officers that may be levied but not be
due, under such arrangements as to discount as they may be
able to make, and the failure of the Treasurer to conform to
any requirement of the County Commissioners as to such pay-
ment or deposit of money as herein set forth shall subject the
said Treasurer to a liability to the county for an amount equiva-
lent to all such money thus held by him and ordered to be paid
over, at six per centum per annum, until it shall be so paid over,
and also a deduction of all commissions on said money until
said requirement shall be carried out as designated by the
County Commissioners. The County Commissioners may at
any time they may see fit require the Treasurer to report to
them as to the amount of money held or deposited by him to the