credit of himself as Treasurer, or in other respects as to the
state of his accounts; and they may also require from any bank
with whom money may be deposited, any special agreement or
security, in addition to the corporate liability of the bank, for
the money thus held or owing to the county.
SEC. 9. For the collection of all taxes for State or county
purposes that may at the time of the passage of this Act be due
for the year 1906, the Treasurer may proceed to advertise and
sell all property of which taxes are so due and in arrears, with-
out further notice to the delinquent taxpayers of the amount so
due and in arrears, the advertising of the property of all the de-
linquents to be at the same time, and the form of notice and the
time of advertisement to be as hereinafter set forth. For all
taxes that are due and in arrears for the fiscal year 1907, he
shall proceed not later than the 15th day of May, 1908, to ad-
vertise a list, in one week's edition, as hereinafter set forth, of
the names of all such persons so delinquent; and if said taxes
are not paid on or before the 15th day of June, 1908, he shall
immediately proceed to advertise and sell the property of all
such delinquents in manner as hereinafter set forth. On and
after the first day of January, 1909, in each and every year
thereafter, the Treasurer shall immediately after the first day
of February make up a list of all delinquent taxpayers, and the
amount for which they are respectively in arrears, and publish
the same in one week's edition in at least two newspapers of
general circulation in Charles county; and if the amounts so
due and in arrears are not paid on or before the first day of
April, he shall proceed to advertise and sell all of such property
as hereinafter set forth. The said advertisements shall be in-
serted in at least two newspapers of general circulation pub-
lished in Charles county, to be designated by the County Com-
missioners, the fees for advertising the same to be as follows:
For advertising the list of delinquent taxpayers, twenty-five
cents for each name in each paper that they shall be advertised;
for advertising said sales, one dollar for each delinquent in each
paper in which they shall be advertised; and the advertisement
of sale shall contain the name of the person or persons assessed,
the property upon which the taxes are due and in arrears with
a brief description of the property, the district of its location,
and such reference to the title records in the clerk's office as to
render the same easy of identification, the amount of taxes due
and in arrears thereon, together with interest, costs and ex-
penses accrued and to accrue thereon on the day of sale, to
which general list of items shall be appended a notice that if
such taxes are not paid on or before a day to be named therein,
not less than twenty-five nor more than thirty days from the