AN ACT providing for the appointment of a coroner for the
twelfth election district of Baltimore county, who shall
have sole and exclusive power and jurisdiction in said dis-
trict to hold inquests on the bodies of deceased persons in
said district in cases where inquests are required by law to be
held in said district, and who shall have sole and exclusive
power and jurisdiction in said district to exercise and perform
the duties and functions of coroner in -said district in cases
where the duties and functions of a coroner are required by
law to be exercised and performed in said district, and pre-
scribing the duties and fixing the amount of compensation
of such coroner, and authorizing the County Commissioners
of Baltimore county to levy therefor.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Governor of Maryland, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate of Maryland, shall appoint and com-
mission a coroner for the twelfth election district of Baltimore
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the coroner so appointed for
the twelfth election district of Baltimore county shall have
sole and exclusive power and jurisdiction in said district to
hold inquests on the bodies of deceased persons in said district
in cases where inquests are required by law to be held, and
shall have sole and exclusive power and jurisdiction to exercise
and perform the duties and functions of coroner in said dis-
trict in cases where the duties and functions of a coroner are
by law to be exercised and performed in said district.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the said coroner so appointed
shall exercise and perform within the limits of said district all
the duties and functions of a coroner in said district, as the
said duties and functions are now provided and required by
law, and shall qualify as provided by law, and shall be subject
to all the provisions of the laws of the State of Maryland rela-
ting to coroners not inconsistent herewith.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That no justices of the peace now
or hereafter appointed for said twelfth election district of
Baltimore county shall, after the passage of this Act, exercise
or perform any of the duties or functions of a coroner within
the limits of said twelfth election district of said county; pro-
vided, that if the said coroner so appointed for the said twelfth
election district of said county should be prevented by illness
or enforced absence from attending to his duties, then a jus-
tice of the peace of an adjoining election district of said county,