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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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mitted in said first precinct of the said second district, it shall
be the duty of the justice of the peace before whom such a war-
rant is sworn out to make the same returnable before the said
police justice or one of the justices of the peace of the city of
Annapolis, for hearing and trial.

172D. Whenever any person shall be arrested in said first
precinct of the said second district upon any criminal charge or
for violation of any law of this State, whether such arrest is
made without a writ or is made under a warrant issued by any
justice of the peace of the said second district, it shall be the
duty of such officer making such arrest, or in whose custody
the person so arrested may be, to take the person so arrested
before the said police justice or one of the justices of the peace
of the city of Annapolis for hearing or trial.

176E. The justice of the peace of the second election district
other than the police justice shall be allowed the fees now
allowed by law for issuing any warrant of arrest or summons,
for witnesses in criminal cases, but no other fees for the hear-
ing or trial of any criminal cases, or for the commitment of any
person charged or tried, shall be allowed such justice of the
peace, nor shall the County Commissioners allow any constable
or officer making arrest, either without a writ under a warrant
or for making return of any criminal process or service of sum-
mons for witnesses, unless the person arrested is brought before
the said police justice, or the process served is returned before
him as hereinbefore provided.

176F. The police justice of the first precinct of the second dis-
trict of the said county shall at the first regular meeting of the
County Commissioners, held in each month, make a report in
writing, verified under oath made before the clerk of said Com-
missioners or one of the Commissioners, of all criminal cases
heard or tried before him during the preceding month, which
report shall state in each case the name of the defendant, the
offence charged, the name of the person upon whose complaint
the warrant was issued, the number of witnesses summoned,
the name of the officer serving the warrant and summons, the
judgment rendered, the amount of fine or penalty imposed, the
amount of cost taxed, which shall include all constable's costs
and constable's fees, where process is served by police officers
acting with authority of constables, and the amount of fine and
costs collected by him, and all such fines and costs, including
constable's and officer's fees for serving warrants, and all other
process which in all cases shall be properly taxed and col-
lected, shall, at the time of making his report, be paid to the
order of the County Commissioners.


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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