"Justices of the Peace, " to be designated as sections 171E,
171F, 172C and 172D, 176E, 176F and 178F, and to fix the
number of justices of the peace to be appointed for the second
election district of the said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That additional sections be added to article 2 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County, " sub-title
"Justices of the Peace, " to be designated as sections 171E, 171F,
172C, 172D, 176E, 176F and 178F, to read as follows:
171E. It shall be the duty of the Governor, when making the
appointments of justices of the peace for the second election
district of Anne Arundel county, to designate one of the jus-
tices so appointed as a police justice of the second district, who
shall be a resident of the first precinct of said district, and who,
before he acts as such, shall give bond to the State of Maryland
in the penalty of one thousand dollars, with a surety or sure-
ties to be approved by the County Commissioners, conditional
that he will well and faithful execute the duties and obligations
of justice of the peace, and that he will account for and pay
over to the County Commissioners all fines, penalties, forfeit-
ures and costs imposed by him, and which he shall receive for or
on account of criminal offenses tried before him under the pro-
visions of the Public General Laws and the Public Local Laws,
which bond shall be recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit
court, and shall be liable at the suit of the State for the use of
the County Commissioners in case of default in any of its con-
171F. The police justice of the second district shall have an
office in Germantown, in said district, and he shall attend at
his office every day of the week except Sundays, at least from
the hour of ten o'clock A. M. until twelve o'clock M., and from
five o'clock P. M. until seven o'clock P. M., and such other
times as the business of his office may require.
172c. The said police justice of the second district shall have
the same jurisdiction in civil actions as other justices of the
peace of the said county, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction
of a justice of the peace in the hearing of all charges and trial
of all cases of criminal offenses, or for the recovery of any fine,
penalty or forfeiture under the laws of this State, within the
limits of the first precinct of the second district, and the said
police justice for the said first precinct of the said second dis-
trict shall have cognizance of all criminal offences committed
in the said first precinct and of all others which may be
brought before him; and in the event of a warrant being sworn
out before any other justice of the peace for any offense com-