of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and
to be placed to the credit of the free school fund, in accordance
with the provisions of the Act of the December session, 1839,
chapter 33, and substituted for the interest on the surplus reve-
nue, as provided in said Act; provided, however, that the sum
of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the receipts from
the public school tax shall be distributed and paid on warrant
of the Comptroller, for the purchase of text-books, as provided
by law, and the balance of said receipts shall be distributed to
the State Normal Schools in Baltimore city, the State Normal
School at Frostburg, the normal department of Washington
College, salary and expenses of the State Superintendent of
Public Education, salary of the Assistant State Superinten-
dent of Public Education, and the expenses of the State Board
of Education, in proportion to which they are respectively
entitled; for donations to colleges, academies and schools as
set forth in Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly
heretofore passed, forty-four thousand five hundred dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary; provided, however, that
none of the appropriations to colleges, academies and schools
shall be paid to any of said institutions excepting to such as
shall have made a full report as required by section 17 of arti-
cle 77 of the Code of Public General Laws; for the instruction
of the indigent blind to be applied under the direction of the
Governor in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of
1868, chapter 215, as amended by the Acts of 1908, twenty-one
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
For the salaries of the members of the Board of Shell Fish
Commissioners, fifty-six hundred dollars; for the salary of the
chief clerk of said board, twelve hundred dollars; for the
salaries of the assistants to be appointed by said board and the
surveyor and for the other outlays and disbursements author-
ized by law to be made by said board, the sum of twenty-five
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as in the opinion of the
Governor may be necessary.
For the contingent fund placed at the disposal of the Gov-
ernor by article 3, section 32 of the Constitution, ten thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for the con-
tingent fund of the Treasury department, for advertising, sta-
tionery, blanks, books, expressage, telegrams and other inci-
dental expenses, six thousand dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary; for the contingent fund of the Comptroller's