to the Commissioner of the Land Office, fifteen hundred dollars;
for the salaries of two assistant clerks to the Commissioner of
the Land Office, one thousand dollars each, two thousand dol-
lars; for the salary of one index clerk to the Commissioner of
the Land Office, one thousand dollars; for the salary of the
Commander of the State Fishery Force, two thousand dollars.
For the salaries of the chief judges of the first seven judicial
circuits, five thousand eight hundred dollars each, forty thou-
sand dollars; for the salaries of the fourteen associate judges
of the first seven judicial circuits, three thousand six hundred
dollars each, fifty thousand four hundred dollars; for the
salaries of the judge of the Court of Appeals from Baltimore
city five thousand eight hundred dollars; and for the chief
judge, and nine associate judges of the Supreme Bench of Balti-
more city, four thousand five hundred dollars each, fifty thou-
sand eight hundred dollars; for the salary of the Attorney
General, three thousand dollars; for the commissions to attor-
neys on claims of the State placed in their hands for collection,
five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
for the crier of the Court of Appeals, one thousand dollars.
For the payment of pension granted by the Act of General
Assembly to William Brown during his natural life, in accord-
ance with the provisions of chapter 269 of 1870, eighty dollars.
For the system of free public schools (white and colored) in
the several counties and the city of Baltimore, and for the State
Normal Schools, the State Board of Education, Superintendent
and Assistant Superintendent of Public Education, to be appor-
tioned by the Comptroller in accordance with the laws in such
case, made and provided and the directions herein given, one
and one-quarter million dollars, or whatever sum may be paid
into the Treasury on account of the tax for public schools,
together with the further sum of seventy-five thousand dollars
from the Treasury proper to be distributed by the Comptroller
in the same manner and at the same time in equal amounts of
thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars each at the March
and June apportionments of 1909, respectively, also such other
sum or sums as may be received to the credit of the free school
fund from the interest on stocks standing to the credit of said
fund, or from other sources; also the sum of thirty-four thou-
sand and sixty-nine dollars and thirty-six cents, to be paid out