or any estate therein and to create by lease irredeemable
ground rents upon land and hold and convey and grant the
sanie as such in law; and further shall be able in law of pur-
chasing property, real, personal or mixed, or of leasing or be-
coming the lessee of the same upon such terms and for such
periods of time as may be agreed upon, without any right of
redemption of the lessee unless the same is specifically given in
the contract of lease.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said body corporate
be and it is hereby authorized to accept and execute trusts of
every and any description which may be committed or trans-
ferred to it by any person or persons whosoever, bodies cor-
porate or public, or by any court of the State of Maryland, or in
any one of the United States, and to accept the office and ap-
pointment of executor or administrator of any kind or nature,
whenever such office or appointment is conferred or made by
any person or persons, or by the Orphans' Court, or other
court, either of this State or of any of the United States, and
that in all cases where application shall be made to any court
in the State of Maryland, or elsewhere, for the appointment of
any receiver, trustee, executor, assignee, guardian or commit-
tee, it shall and may be lawful for such court, if it shall think
proper, to appoint said body corporate, with its assent, such
receiver, trustee, executor, administrator, assignee, guardian or
committee, and the accounts of said corporation as such re-
ceiver, trustee, executor, administrator, assignee, guardian or
committee, shall be regularly settled and adjusted before the
tribunal having jurisdiction, and upon such settlement and ad-
justment all proper legal and customary charges, costs and
expenses shall be allowed to said corporation for its care and
management of the trusts and estates as aforesaid, and the
said corporation, as such receiver, trustee, executor, adminis-
trator, assignee, guardian or committee, shall be subject to all
orders or decrees of the proper tribunal in the premises uuder
the laws of the State wherein such tribunal shall or may ex-
ercise its jurisdiction.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation
is authorized to take, have, hold and enjoy all such estates, real,
personal and mixed, as may be obtained in the investment of
its capital stock or assets, or that may come into its possession
in the course of its dealings and business; and the same to sell,
grant, mortgage, lease and dispose of at pleasure, and to ex-
ecute, acknowledge and deliver all deeds and other instru-
ments of writing concerning the same.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said corpora-
tion shall have power to receive money on deposit, subject to