and successors, be and they are hereby incorporated and made
a body politic and corporate under the name and style of
"Eastern Trust and Investment Company of Baltimore City,"
and by that name shall be known in law, and shall have per-
petual succession, and have power to sue and be sued, plead and
be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts, whether in
law or in equity, and may make and have a common seal, and
alter and renew the same at pleasure, and shall have, enjoy and
exercise all the rights, powers and privileges pertaining to cor-
porate bodies and necessary for the purposes of this Act, and
may make by-laws, rules and regulations consistent with the
existing laws of the State of Maryland for the government of
all under its authority, the management of its estate and prop-
erties, and the due and orderly conduct of its affairs.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the capital stock of
said body corporate shall consist of one thousand shares of the
par value of ten dollars each, and said body corporate shall
have the right to increase its capital stock ifrom time to time
by a vote of a majority of its stockholders at a special meeting
or meetings to be called and held for that purpose, to any sum
or sums not exceeding one million dollars; and the said body
corporate shall have the right to begin the prosecution of any
business under its charter, and to exercise any of its corporate
powers as soon as its said stock to the amount of ten thousand
dollars, which may be payable in such instalments as the direc-
tors of said corporation may stipulate, shall have been sub-
scribed to and paid for.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said body corporate
shall have the right to purchase and hold, bargain and sell,
grant and convey, land or any interest or estate therein, and to
purchase and hold, bargain and sell, chattels, choses in action,
checks, notes, bills receivable, bills payable, bills of exchange,
due bills, certificates of deposit, warehouse receipts, stocks,
bonds, mortgages on real, leasehold or chattel property, and
every and any evidence of debt; to advance or lend money upon
the security thereof by receiving and holding the same on such
terms as may be agreed upon or established by the said corpo-
ration, or of accepting mortgages or other liens thereon or
otherwise and generally to deal in every and all descriptions of
property and properties, personal effects, securities, mortgages,
land, certificates of indebtedness, stock of incorporated com-
panies, and to buy and loan on bonds of the United States, or
of any State, city, county or municipality, or of any incorpo-
rated company, or joint stock company, upon such terms as may
be agreed upon or established by said corporation; and
further to have full power to lease, hold, grant and convey land